SEO Strategies for Business SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a hot topic these days. Everyone wants to know what they need to do to have a strong online presence in order to connect with potential customers. Let’s start off with a definition. What is SEO? SEO is the process of improving the amount and quality of traffic to your website. SEO is organic (natural search). Example of Organic Search vs. Paid Search Google looks at 200+ parameters when ranking a website. Google looks at 200+ Parameters to rank websites | SEO To summarize, effective SEO is about content strategy and has 3 main components: 1. Links 2. Content 3. Social Media But SEO is more than just content strategy. It is a comprehensive approach to optimizing an entire web presence for organic search. To do this effectively requires the implementation of both on-site and off-site strategies. Here is a high-level list of the on-site SEO strategies that will be beneficial for both readers and search engines: 1. Keywords • Performing keyword research is the first step for successful SEO strategy • Use Google Adwords Keyword Planner to evaluate the competitiveness of words 2. Produce original content • Publishing blog content, case studies and videos consistently will help to increase organic search traffic 3. Meta Description • Utilize key words in meta descriptions • Keep meta descriptions to 155 characters • Write a unique meta description for each page • Tip: Meta descriptions should be written for users in mind and not search engines specifically 4. Title tag • The title tag is the clickable text that appears in search engine results, so writing an enticing and relevant title tag is key • Utilize relevant keywords strategically • Use your company’s name at the beginning of your home page title tag but for internal pages, include it at the end of the title tag • Keep title tags to 65 characters 5. Product images • Embed quality images for positive user experience • Image names should be relevant and descriptive i.e. instead of Image1.jpg, rename image to Red-Sofa-Collection.jpg • Where appropriate, use keywords in your image names • Populate the Alt-Text field with a relevant description of what the image is about. Use keywords, but don’t keyword stuff. Keep Alt-Text descriptions to 140 characters. 6. Site map • Have a site map on the home page as well as an XML site map inside the code 7. 301 redirect • Implement a permanent redirect from one URL to another 8. Fix missing page (404 errors) errors and ensure the URL redirects to the home page or other relevant page Here is a list of off-site SEO strategies you can implement to market your website, get ranked in search engines and build an online reputation/brand: 1. Back-linking • Have quality links that point to your website • Build back links by submitting press releases, submit to popular blogs 2. Social media • Having a strong social media presence sends search engines signals of influence and authority • Add Google + to social media strategy 3. Consumer reviews • Encourage testimonials and reviews from your customers on popular review sites such as Yelp, Trip Advisor, City Search 4. Search engine submissions / directory listings (DMOZ)