Branding, sign series for business, marketing & advertising.Most often, brand awareness is generated not just by the brand but by the people who actually indulge in utilizing the brand. They spread the word and suggest products, they market viral videos, as well as update important information to their Facebook statuses. Keep your clan updated and make it sensational and worth sharing with other folks. You will notice that most of the branding is not created by you. A well-educated online community can get you well past the initial logo identification and can offer a level of brand awareness where members instantly know what it is you do and what sets you apart from the rest. Your brand’s personality should be captivating and appear just as likable as the other users in the group in order rev up to the conversation. If you are still uncertain about spending time in participating with online communities, here are few things that could swing your opinion. Embrace feedback Don’t ignore feedback if you do not agree with what someone might have said about your brand. This information is incredibly valuable. Any type of negative feedback is a scope to better yourself and in the process improve. When someone tells you something isn’t working, you’re now armed with the information to make it right. If you embrace feedback and willing to work on that feedback, your brand receives recognition as a trustworthy product backed by people who care. Constantly update The more people know about your brand, the more they will spread the word about it and share. Send them updates in the form of opt-in newsletters, tweets, blog posts, Facebook updates, forum updates, and more. If your news is fascinating or engaging, your community is bound to share it. Stay on top of all the latest news We live in a fast paced world and it can be tough to stay on top of all the latest news. Digital communities give you the chance to listen to industry news as it happens in real time, as well as allow you to easily get the opinions of subject matter experts. In order to help you track the various communities across platforms, there are tools like Reddit Enhancement Suite, Hootsuite, TweetDeck and Simply Measured. Staying “in the know” with these communities can give you an opportunity to offer your product as a solution, be on the pulse of what your market may need next, and come up with some awesome new content marketing ideas that people are expressing their interest in. Website Jungle is a New York based digital marketing and web development and mobile app development company.