colorHow important are the colors that you use on your website? They are actually quite a bit more important than you might think, and if you have the wrong colors, it could mean that some people actually navigate away from your site and ignore your calls to action. Let’s look at some quick and easy tips that you can use for proper colors for your web design.

First, you want to limit the number of colors you are using. If you have too many colors, the website will look too “busy”, and it could be distracting. Your visitors will have a hard time finding what they need. The best option is to keep your colors to three or four that work well together. The colors do not have to be boring, but they do need to look great together, and they need to accentuate rather than distract from your overall design.

Second, think about the color of your backgrounds and your fonts. You do not want to have green text on a red background, or white text on a light colored background. Everything should be clean and easy to read for the best results.

Third, use color to highlight the areas of the site that happen to be the most important. For example, you will want color on your shopping button, the button to sign up for your newsletter, and similar items. This way, they will stand out and draw the attention of the visitor.

Many people have trouble when it comes to choosing the right colors for their web design. Working with a professional web design company in New York can help to make getting a great looking site up and running quite a bit easier.


Website Jungle is a New York based website design company and Digital Agency.

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