web designWe are all mobile these days, and whether you live in a relatively rural area or in the heart of NYC, you use your phone or tablet far more than you might a traditional desktop or laptop. This is an important reality to consider as you look at your company’s website design.

As an example of this, go to a website using a mobile phone’s web browser. If that site has not been designed for mobile viewing, it is a horrible experience, with impossibly small images and text. Most visitors leave such sites at once.

Sadly, many business owners do not realize that the sites built on free or low-cost templates are not meant for mobile use. Today, we hear the term “responsive” when we discuss website design, and that is a key factor to your overall success. A responsive site is one that reformats itself depending on the device displaying it. Professional website design that uses responsive design will ensure your site recognizes how best to appear when on phones, tablets or laptops.

This is not the same as earlier mobile solutions. Rather than building separate mobile sites, responsive design is a solution that allows for a single URL to give the best performance in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages), and to bring mobile traffic that stays around when they click on your page. This is the hallmark of the best professional web design, and it is vital to any NYC business. With intense competition for local customers and clients, your NYC website has to perform at all times, and must be responsive.

After all, Google (which is the leader in search engines) has admitted it prefers responsive design. And where Google goes, the rest seem to follow. As one industry expert writes, Google “favors mobile-optimized sites when presenting results for searches made on a mobile device. This is especially true when mobile users search for local services.” So, if you are looking to enhance your firm’s website design, work with professionals who can manage responsive design, and you’ll see the impressive outcomes.


SearchEngineJournal. SEO Benefits… http://www.searchenginejournal.com/4-seo-benefits-responsive-web-design/92807/

Website Jungle is a New York based website design company and Digital Agency.