Fotolia_74438689_XS Want to reap the benefits of getting the most from your website? A lot of it is typically based on prior experience, some clients come into the website process with a “know-it-all” attitude, whereas for the others it’s a brand new experience. Either way, there are a few things a client can do from before to make the process smooth for everyone (and ensure their new website gets more hits than expected!). Some of the best ways to get the most from your website include: Create Relevant Content Make sure that your content is relevant to what you’re trying to sell, provide, or commission. Unless your content is that of a personal blog where your insight and activities are the main topic, customers and clients are not visiting your website to see how your day is going or to know what you think about current affairs. If you provide a page that is for blogging, keep blogging content relevant. This can be in the form of instructions or information that is directly related to your site. Figure Out Your Copy Needs While in its infant stage, you need to establish what kind of copy will be on the new site and where this will come from. This involves thinking about your overarching messaging needs, and determining what exists already versus what needs to be created. Keep Your Visitors Engaged Every website should entice the visitor to return. This can be done by keeping the visitor engaged. Allow them to provide feedback or compare items. For visual artists, compiling a gallery of past and present works allows visitors to enjoy the art. Categorizing like items engages the visitor to compare and contrast items. Using social media tabs and widgets are a great way to connect with visitors and keep them up to date on your website activity. This keeps visitors active on your website even when they are not actually on it. Assemble Your Core Team It is essential that you have one main point of contact who will interact directly with the company and initiate communications internally. They should be aware of the different people that will need to give approval on things along the way, like design and copy (especially if you have legal/compliance requirements). They should also know how to make final decisions and appropriately put together internal feedback in a manner that best works for the the web team. Know That We Are Here To Help Putting a new website together is quite an exhaustive process. It involves numerous components, and goes through multiple phases (discovery, design, development, QA) that are all dependent on properly completing the prior phase. We know it can be overwhelming, which is why everything we do is created to make it a smooth and effortless experience for you. Go Beyond Default Settings If you want to avail of the maximum benefit from your website, one of the best things to do is to go beyond the default settings provided by your service. You want to configure your website monitoring settings to meet your specific needs. When an administrator is unhappy with a quality website monitoring solution, it is usually because they did not optimize the service to meet the needs of their site. If you are not sure about how to optimize your settings, don’t be afraid to reach out to your website monitoring service provider and discuss detailed recommendations for specific settings for the tools that they offer. Website Jungle is a New Jersey based digital marketing, web development and mobile app development company.